VU IXA-GO Impact Fund

Do you have an innovation or project that needs further development, but its practical feasibility and/or the (commercial) exploitation opportunities are still uncertain? Or are you working in the early stages of your startup?

Then you may be eligible for funding from the IXA-GO Impact Fund at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU).

The IXA-GO Impact Fund is there to finance studies that determine conceptual, social, technical and/or economic feasibility and/or market opportunities.


  • Applications can only be done by researchers or startups affiliated with the VU.
  • It is plausible that the financing for the project will be earned back. The financing is not a subsidy, it is an investment (e.g. loan or convertible loan).
  •  The maximum amount per application is €15.000,-.

How does it work?

  • Submissions can be made all year round (no application deadlines).
  • An application can be submitted to IXA-GO VU by sending the filled-out application form to with your business developer in cc. Put “Application IXA-GO Impact Fund” in the header of your email.
  • Download here the application form VU IXA-GO Impact Fund


  • The researcher and IXA-GO business developer discuss the potential application.
  • The researcher submits his or her application.
  • IXA-GO and an independent external assessor assess the submitted proposal.
  • The aim is to communicate the outcome (grant, on hold, rejection) to the applicant within two weeks.

IXA-GO Impact Fund in practice

Beyond Weather, a VU-spin-off, uses AI to make long term weather forecasts. Beyond Weather is now partnering with key stakeholders in the agricultural sector for product development that has the potential for necessary transitions in the agriculture industry. This product exploration is being made possible through the IXA-GO Impact Fund.

Sem Vijverberg, CTO of Beyond Weather, says: “I want to provide practical answers to problems that relate to climate change. Through working with stakeholders in agriculture we can develop tools that can help predict weather extremes and improve decision making processes.”