Start a company or social enterprize

Sometimes your research may lead to an idea for a product, service or innovation. IXA will help you determine how to best follow up on this. A logical step could be to partner up with an existing company or other third party. It may also be worthwhile to follow your own direction and start your own spin-off company. Should you decide to embark on this exciting new adventure, make sure to use our services and facilities to your best advantage.

Develop your business plan

Once there is a solid business case, and the decision has been made to launch your own company, we support you in setting up business models and writing the business plan. Read everything you need to know in the UvA spin-off brochure or the VU and Amsterdam UMC spin-off brochure.

Use our incubator facilities

If you have a promising idea that may be the start of a business, then Demonstrator Lab is the entrepreneurship laboratory where you can transform your ideas into a tangible product or service. Demonstrator Lab is open to Amsterdam students, university staff and researchers from all disciplines. You can enter the lab at the very early phase of the idea-to-market process.

If you have already taken your first entrepreneurial steps and started a business, then becoming part of the Amsterdam Venture Studios (AVS) peer community may benefit you in many ways. AVS has six locations throughout Amsterdam offering accelerators, incubators, workspaces, research facilities and dedicated support. AVS offers joint incubation program, training and mentoring with the aim of reinforcing new impactful businesses.

Continue reading after the photo.

Expand your network

IXA gladly deploys its broad network of entrepreneurs and professionals from the business industry and the public sector to – for example – strengthen the management of the new venture or to bring in external advisors. Students with plans for a start-up can profit from the knowledge of mentors through the platform Start Up and Running.

Don’t stop now!

Continue on to the other pages in this section to find funding or legal advice surrounding your start-up plans. Or visit collaborate with third parties, if that’s the way you want to go.

Keep learning!

Register for IXA’s workshops, courses and events to grow your knowledge in valorisation and develop your entrepreneurial skills. Our partner ACE incubator offers courses in entrepreneurship as well, such as the Explore Entrepreneurship, Inspire and Incubation programs.


Max Nieuwdorp’s innovative research on gut microbes: a path to combat fatty liver disease

Internist Max Nieuwdorp, of Amsterdam UMC, discovered a few years ago that the microorganisms in the intestines of many overweight people produce alcohol to an increased extent. Breaking down excessive alcohol leads to fatty liver disease, which in turn poses a risk of serious conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Nieuwdorp has now received an ERC Advanced Grant of 2.5 million euros for a major study into the underlying causes of this excessive alcohol production.  


Funding from KWF for palliative cancer patients in meaning-making at home

The diagnosis of incurable cancer profoundly disrupts patients’ lives, often causing existential crises and a sense of lost purpose. The KWF-funded project “In Search of Stories” (ISOS) aimed to support these patients by partnering them with spiritual counsellors and professional artists. This co-creation process proved highly beneficial. New funding from KWF Dutch Cancer Society supports […]


Impact in education and beyond: VU researcher Laura Rupp secures Comenius Leadership Fellow grant

Laura Rupp has been awarded the Comenius Leadership Fellow grant for a three-year period. This grant of 500,000 Euros, will fund a project titled “Global English and International Dutch on the VU Campus”. Over the years, Rupp has successfully reached more than 100,000 people online worldwide, teaching how to understand diverse English accents and speak […]
