Develop your idea, concept or innovation

If you are excited about an idea or a potential innovation, one of the very first steps is to talk to one of IXA’s business developers, even if your idea is still in the concept stage and plans are very much ‘under construction’. The sooner you involve us, the better – in particular when protection of intellectual property is at stake. Let us inform you about the dos and don’ts of making your research data and results public.

Business Development

We have specialised business developers for each research field – from engineering, maths and life sciences to the arts, humanities and social sciences. They will support you in assessing the opportunities and potential pitfalls of your idea and advise you on the steps to be taken. For social sciences & humanities (SSH) and life sciences we developed valorisation guides, find them below and on the Documents & Brochures page.

Questions you can expect from our team:

  • How do you envisage the application of your idea?
  • Is there interest from (external) parties?
  • What problem did you identify, and what solution do you offer?
  • Are similar products or services already available, to your knowledge?
  • If so, what makes your idea, invention or innovation stand out?
  • What are the potential commercial and/or societal benefits?

Continue reading after the photo.

Team up with us!

Two heads are better than one. At this stage, you can benefit from the advice and assistance of our team of business developers.

Get inspired!

Unsure of the potential of your innovation? Find inspiration by reading our Stories. You may be surprised to find out how A ‘pearl’ of an idea provides unexpected business opportunities.


Want to learn more about valorisation, find out how to work effectively with businesses, or become an entrepreneur by starting your own company? Register for our workshops, webinars, seminars or full programmes in the Workshops & Events section.