If you are excited about an idea or a potential innovation, one of the very first steps is to talk to one of IXA’s business developers, even if your idea is still in the concept stage and plans are very much ‘under construction’. The sooner you involve us, the better – in particular when protection of intellectual property is at stake. Let us inform you about the dos and don’ts of making your research data and results public.
We have specialised business developers for each research field – from engineering, maths and life sciences to the arts, humanities and social sciences. They will support you in assessing the opportunities and potential pitfalls of your idea and advise you on the steps to be taken. For social sciences & humanities (SSH) and life sciences we developed valorisation guides, find them below and on the Documents & Brochures page.
Questions you can expect from our team:
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Two heads are better than one. At this stage, you can benefit from the advice and assistance of our team of business developers.
Unsure of the potential of your innovation? Find inspiration by reading our Stories. You may be surprised to find out how A ‘pearl’ of an idea provides unexpected business opportunities.
Want to learn more about valorisation, find out how to work effectively with businesses, or become an entrepreneur by starting your own company? Register for our workshops, webinars, seminars or full programmes in the Workshops & Events section.
We're here to assist you at every stage of the process
Laura Rupp has been awarded the Comenius Leadership Fellow grant for a three-year period. This grant of 500,000 Euros, will fund a project titled “Global English and International Dutch on the VU Campus”. Over the years, Rupp has successfully reached more than 100,000 people online worldwide, teaching how to understand diverse English accents and speak […]
NewsInternist Max Nieuwdorp, of Amsterdam UMC, discovered a few years ago that the microorganisms in the intestines of many overweight people produce alcohol to an increased extent. Breaking down excessive alcohol leads to fatty liver disease, which in turn poses a risk of serious conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Nieuwdorp has now received an ERC Advanced Grant of 2.5 million euros for a major study into the underlying causes of this excessive alcohol production.
NewsThe diagnosis of incurable cancer profoundly disrupts patients’ lives, often causing existential crises and a sense of lost purpose. The KWF-funded project “In Search of Stories” (ISOS) aimed to support these patients by partnering them with spiritual counsellors and professional artists. This co-creation process proved highly beneficial. New funding from KWF Dutch Cancer Society supports […]