IXA Amsterdam UMC as the one central office for medical valorisation

September 27, 2023

As a logical consequence of the VU Medical Centre and the Amsterdam Medical Centre merging, also IXA’s business developers have moved under one roof. Under the new name of IXA Amsterdam UMC, the combination of formerly IXA VUmc and IXA AMC, has been officially operational since the beginning of 2023. The merged team of IXA Amsterdam UMC now consist over 30 people operating at the Amsterdam UMC, helping more than 5.000 researchers and other Amsterdam UMC employees with their valorisation activities. IXA Amsterdam UMC has two core tasks: stimulating collaborations with industrial parties, and the regular knowledge transfer activities i.e. scouting for new inventions and developing these for the benefit of society into products through licenses to existing companies or new spin-offs. IXA Amsterdam UMC includes the experienced IXA-Neuroscience team, formerly known as the Industry Alliance Office. According to the example set by this team, IXA is setting up similar support teams for the other Amsterdam UMC research institutes. Within these teams dedicated business developers supported by an experienced back office, focus on stimulating the collaboration with biotech, medtech and pharma companies. Interestingly, the research institutes Amsterdam Public Health and Amsterdam Reproduction and Development have chosen a slightly different approach towards valorisation, focusing on societal impact more than economic impact, with so-called impact developers– instead of business developers. The transition towards one IXA Amsterdam UMC means that all medical valorisation is under one roof.

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