MIT Feasibility subsidy for VU start-up PreActive to adopt AI in Welness app

October 28, 2022

VU start-up, PreActive, has been awarded the MIT Feasibility Study subsidy of € 20k from Provincie Noord-Holland! With this subsidy funding PreActive will explore the utility and feasibility of incorporating Artificial Intelligence within the PreActive wellness app to help improve & personalise the user experience.

Feasibility study of the Wellness app
The PreActive Wellness app provide the users with tailored health content, which is aimed at accessing the power health benefits that are associated with moving your body, even if it’s just for short periods, several times per day. With this subsidy funding, PreActive will explore the utility and feasibility (both technical & economic) of incorporating Artificial intelligence machine learning algorithm(s) within the PreActive wellness app to help improve & further personalise the user experience.

50% of the Dutch population not active enough
Through their mobile app and wellness service, David Xian and Aniek Verberne are on a mission to improve the health of employees. In 2019, it was estimated that 50% of the Dutch population were not active enough to meet the physical activity guidelines for health. This inactivity has enormous negative ramifications for our overall health, with physical inactivity being one of the leading causes of disease & death worldwide. For the Netherlands, this results in an enormous financial healthcare burden. For companies, this results in significant indirect costs through sick leave, loss of productivity and high staff turnover.

PreActive Wellness App
Through educational sessions & the use of the PreActive Wellness App, PreActive improves employees’ health literacy, promotes positive behaviour change, and gets people moving in a way that is right for them. The PreActive Wellness App analyses a person’s situation through questionnaire screenings, then provides them with personalised exercise & ergonomic health content, based on their situation and limitations.

About MIT Feasibility Study subsidy
The funding is from the provincie Noord-Holland from the MIT: Haalbaarheidsproject. The aim of a feasibility study is to identify the technical and economic risks of a proposed innovation project and is carried out in preparation for a Research & Development collaboration project. It aims to promote innovations in SMEs to contribute in this way to a sustainable, innovative and entrepreneurial economy.

About PreActive
PreActive is a dynamic and innovative start-up in the field of digital health & employee wellbeing who operate in the business-to-business landscape. They combine the power of evidence-based health content & technology to produce a wellness platform & service that serves to empower people to take ownership of their health, move freely, and live better.




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