Presenting the finalists of the AmSIA 2021

October 12, 2021

The finalists for the Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award 2021 are presented. The jury, led by Gigi Wang, and the public have selected nine finalists for the Innovation Award from all submissions from the Amsterdam knowledge and research institutes. The innovations and new technologies offer innovative solutions for a wide range of social issues.

The finalists for the Innovation Award are:

Category Health:

  • Insan Firdaus | VU | Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy Biofeedback (VRET-BF) for Substance Use Disorder (SUD)
  • Liz van de Riet| Amsterdam UMC| The Jeroen Pit Huis: innovation of hospital2home transition for children and families with medical complexities
  • Tom Brouwer | Amsterdam UMC| Flowsure: A digital hanging scale to continuously measure, store and present urine production

Category Society

  • Imran Avci | VU| RAPID PHOTONICS: Low-cost and fast prototyping of photonic integrated circuits
  • Floris Roelofsen| UvA | Automatic text-to-sign translation
  • Desi Bootsman| HvA | Mazehunter: playful learning for children with dyslexia

Category Environment & Climate:

Festive finale Innovation Award

During the festive finale in NEMO Science Museum on November 9, 2021, the finalists will pitch their ideas to the jury and public. The expert jury, consisting of representatives from industry and the Amsterdam knowledge institutes, will take into account the innovativeness, feasibility and fulfillment of market needs. The three winners in the categories health, society and environment & climate will win € 10,000.

The finale takes place in the NEMO Science Museum, registration for the finale is necessary so you are assured of a seat. You can register via this link.

About the Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award
The Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award is the competition for Amsterdam’s most innovative, scientific idea. Fifteen years ago, the award was first organised by IXA (Innovation Exchange Amsterdam, the valorisation centre of the Amsterdam UMC, UvA, HvA and VU) to make valuable ideas based on scientific research visible. The event is a collaboration of IXA with City of Amsterdam, NKI/AVL, Patent Business, HealthInc, De Vries en Metman, uniQure, Sanquin, Inkef Capital, NLC and Kennedy Van der Laan.

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