At Demonstrator Lab, two locations: @Zuidas and @Science Park, researchers and students from the HvA, UvA, VU and Amsterdam UMC can go to develop and test their research-based idea for a product or service. In the past five years, more than 100 projects were launched, from which 21 start-ups have emerged. Jardo Stammeshaus (co-founder of […]
What is it like to participate in the Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award? We spoke to Dr Monalisa Goswami about her participation in 2017. The Amsterdam Science and Innovation Award is “a celebration of innovation coming out from scientists,” says Monalisa. “It makes you feel special.” The Amsterdam Science and Innovation Award (AmSIA) is the […]
These are exciting times for Dave Koolbergen, congenital cardiac surgeon at AMC. With his company Haermonics he hopes to bring a new technology to market for postoperative pericardial flushing. It was developed upon his observation that after heart surgery often the removal of accumulated blood and clots can be achieved by flushing the pericardial space […]