By request of the dermatologists at VUmc, Ruud Verdaasdonk has developed a ‘UV-mirror’. It enables people to see whether UV-light has damaged their skin and helps them to assess their sunscreen application skills.
“The mirror is a very effective instrument for education and prevention purposes”, says Verdaasdonk, who is not only professor of Biophotonics and Medical Imaging but also heads the department of Physics and Medical Technology at VUmc. He developed the mirror by tweaking an existing digital camera and combining this with a safe UV light source. Showing the camera image on a regular flat screen computer monitor effectively results in a digital UV-mirror.
The set-up already generated lots of attention at public awareness events to which the VUmc hospital contributed. This spawned the idea to develop an integrated system for general use, for instance at beaches and in drugstores and pharmacies. Verdaasdonk is now pursuing product development in cooperation with an SME company. “Find a business partner as soon as possible, make a satisfying Intellectual Property agreement, and license the technology. That’s the fastest way to make your idea a reality”, is his advice.
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COMCRIM: COMbatting CRIMes that undermine the rule of law in a smart and comprehensive manner, in a financial public-private partnership and through artificial intelligence – with a focus on human trafficking, money laundering and corruption Contactpersoon: Mw. mr. dr. drs. J.E.B. (Jill) Coster van Voorhout PhD, associate professor.