In this Knowledge clip Alba Herranz de la Nava, Business Developer at IXA, explains, using the Triangle, how to make your idea more concrete:
The Physics2Market fund offered researchers the opportunity to take physics research from lab to society. For example, by building a prototype or proof-of-concept study, collaborations with companies emerged. Raoul Frese – assistant professor at the Faculty of Science, Biophysics Photosynthesis/Energy at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam – received the last Physics2Market subsidy to further develop material to […]
These are exciting times for Dave Koolbergen, congenital cardiac surgeon at AMC. With his company Haermonics he hopes to bring a new technology to market for postoperative pericardial flushing. It was developed upon his observation that after heart surgery often the removal of accumulated blood and clots can be achieved by flushing the pericardial space […]
In valorisation, it is very important to think carefully about the exchange of values between the organizations you work with and the team of scientists