The Physics2Market fund offered researchers the opportunity to take physics research from lab to society. For example, by building a prototype or proof-of-concept study, collaborations with companies emerged. Raoul Frese – assistant professor at the Faculty of Science, Biophysics Photosynthesis/Energy at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam – received the last Physics2Market subsidy to further develop material to substitute mineral wool in greenhouses. Another example is Mazi Jalaal, assistant professor at the Institute of Physics at the University of Amsterdam. He received a Physics2Market grant to work out his idea on a new technique to measure the mechanical properties of soft materials, based on image processing and artificial intelligence. The fund was eligible for Researchers (permanent staff, incl. tenure track) of HvA, UvA, VU, Amsterdam UMC, Amolf and Nikhef.
Cancer Center Amsterdam has a dedicated IXA alliance office to assist oncology researchers in creating value from their expertise and discoveries
Developing high-quality entrepreneurship education – Amsterdam’s higher education institutions have been working closely together on this since 2008. This was done in the IXAnext valorisation program between 2016 and 2021. We proudly present the main results of the IXAnext program: Ten Amsterdam entrepreneurship cases; Post experience education for alumni; Blended learning modules; A mentoring platform […]
To make innovations in health care quickly accessible for patients, it is vital to assign value and significance to inventions (=valorization). One way to valorize is to protect the novel intellectual property by a patent. The patent underlines the importance of the finding and grants value, which is necessary for clinical development and implementation. Have […]