Biobanks contain valuable information on the donor of the sample. Access to these collections can be crucial for companies developing novel diagnostics or therapeutics.
In this video, HvA researchers Ben Kröse and Margriet Pol share how their practice-based research project led to the rehabilitation support product Hipper and the establishment of the first HvA spin-off Hipper Therapeutics BV Theme’s in this video Development and Impact practice-based research | product development | exploitation plan | impact | knowledge-intensive entrepreneurship | […]
COMCRIM: COMbatting CRIMes that undermine the rule of law in a smart and comprehensive manner, in a financial public-private partnership and through artificial intelligence – with a focus on human trafficking, money laundering and corruption Contactpersoon: Mw. mr. dr. drs. J.E.B. (Jill) Coster van Voorhout PhD, associate professor.