To stimulate innovation, economic activity and entrepreneurship in both education and research, IXA developed and ran a six-year program (2017-2022): the valorisation programme IXAnext: Talent for Innovation. Some of its projects and facilities have found a more permanent place in de universities entrepreneurship infrastructure.
As a result of the IXAnext program combined with growing awareness amongst researchers from all domains, all universities have on-campus incubator facilities. Places where innovative knowledge and research based start-ups can thrive. They offer workspace and dedicated support, and connect students, researchers and alumni to entrepreneurial expertise, resources and a community of like-minded peers. For example:
The Research Facilities database helps Research & Development departments to gain access to specialised, high-end equipment and instruments. If you are interested, please reach out to one of our business developers.
The Physics on Demand program enabled companies and non-profits to benefit from the latest scientific expertise and research facilities. It was aimed at strengthening the Research & Development capacity of organisations by building collaborative partnerships, share specific scientific expertise, equipment and state-of-the-art research facilities.
Further we provided researchers who seek to collaborate with industrial partners, with the Physics2Market Grant. This grant encouraged knowledge utilisation, by helping researchers validate physics-related research. The total available budget of €250,000 has been spent.
To bring entrepreneurship education in Amsterdam to a higher level, a number of initiatives have been developed. For instance by developing inspiring Amsterdam cases for entrepreneurship education. Teachers active in entrepreneurship education have access to so-called Entrepreneurship Cases – a variety of teaching cases featuring successful ventures from the Amsterdam region, covering all sorts of topics. In the Tony Chocolonely case, the focus lies on social entrepreneurship. The fintech case SRXP covers the development and growth of a young entrepreneur. The Next Web case covers the employees’ point of view in a growing business. To see all the entrepreneurship cases and how to use them in class, visit their website.
In the start-up phase of a company, it can be particularly valuable to be able to spar with an experienced entrepreneur. Therefore, the Start Up and Running platform was launched. On the platform, student entrepreneurs can find experienced mentors – active entrepreneurs, who can advise them in the various stages of the start-up. Having a mentor truly makes a difference when starting a company. A mentor can also be of great value in a more mature phase of a company.
Visit the website Startup and Running to learn more.
The IXAnext valorisation programme was an alliance between the Amsterdam universities and knowledge institutes: HvA, UvA, VU, AHK, Amsterdam UMC-VUmc and Amsterdam UMC-AMC and the NWO institutes AMOLF and NIKHEF. The program offered facilities and funding, infrastructure, a network, educational measures and much more.
The IXAnext valorisation programme was made possible with a contribution of the City of Amsterdam.
This €75k funding will help validate their business model and accelerate their go-to-market strategy. Eddytec’s technology aims to revolutionize maintenance and quality control processes for aircraft components, making them faster, easier, and more cost-effective.
NewsThe fall 2024 round of the NWO Take-off Grant has brought exciting news for Amsterdam’s academic community. Four innovative projects have been selected, with two from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) and two from the Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA). The Take-off grant empowers academics to explore the feasibility and commercial potential of their science-based ideas, […]
NewsTen years ago, a groundbreaking medical innovation made it possible to remove a blood clot from stroke patients using a catheter procedure. The health benefits for patients after this procedure are often much greater than with other treatments. Thanks to the collaboration with Amsterdam UMC, this treatment is now also being performed at the Noordwest Ziekenhuisgroep in Alkmaar.