Valorisation program IXAnext

To stimulate innovation, economic activity and entrepreneurship in both education and research, IXA developed and ran a six-year program (2017-2022): the valorisation programme IXAnext: Talent for Innovation. Some of its projects and facilities have found a more permanent place in de universities entrepreneurship infrastructure, such as:

  • the incubators Amsterdam Venture Studios (AVS) and Demonstrator Lab is the place where researchers, teachers and students can develop and test their business ideas and accommodate their start-up activities.
  • the programs of ACE (Amsterdam Centre of Entrepreneurship) for students and researchers who want to learn more about entrepreneurship. Their Explore program offers a two-day program to learn the basics of venture creation and in the Incubation programme ACE helps early-stage startups build their start-up with 12 weeks of training and support by leading mentors and business coaches.
  • HvA Bachelor students have access to the 10k Pre incubator program which offers coaching and guidance in developing innovative and/ or sustainable ideas into a start-up during a 20 week program. After that they can join for instance Demonstrator Lab or AVS.
  • the platform Startup and Running offers students with plans for a start-up a network to find mentors.
  • with the Entrepreneurship cases teachers in Entrepreneurship find inspiration for their education program and lessons. The cases are still available and new cases will continously be added.
  • The Research Facilities database helps Research & Development departments to find specialised, high-end equipment and instruments.

Successful but finished programs

For researchers seeking to collaborate with industrial partners, the program provided the Physics2Market Grant. which helped to bridge the gap between research and its application. With the Physics on Demand service companies and non-profits were able to benefit from the latest scientific expertise and research facilities.
The BlendedLearning pilot was developed to keep HvA-alumni with their own business up to speed with the latest insights and knowledge with masterclasses and courses.

An alliance and partnership

The IXAnext valorisation programme was an alliance between the Amsterdam universities and knowledge institutes: HvA, UvA, VU, AHK, Amsterdam UMC-VUmc and Amsterdam UMC-AMC and the NWO institutes AMOLF and NIKHEF.  The program offered facilities and funding, infrastructure, a network, educational measures and much more.

The IXAnext valorisation programme was made possible with a contribution of the City of Amsterdam.

Max Nieuwdorp’s innovative research on gut microbes: a path to combat fatty liver disease

Internist Max Nieuwdorp, of Amsterdam UMC, discovered a few years ago that the microorganisms in the intestines of many overweight people produce alcohol to an increased extent. Breaking down excessive alcohol leads to fatty liver disease, which in turn poses a risk of serious conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Nieuwdorp has now received an ERC Advanced Grant of 2.5 million euros for a major study into the underlying causes of this excessive alcohol production.  


Funding from KWF for palliative cancer patients in meaning-making at home

The diagnosis of incurable cancer profoundly disrupts patients’ lives, often causing existential crises and a sense of lost purpose. The KWF-funded project “In Search of Stories” (ISOS) aimed to support these patients by partnering them with spiritual counsellors and professional artists. This co-creation process proved highly beneficial. New funding from KWF Dutch Cancer Society supports […]


Impact in education and beyond: VU researcher Laura Rupp secures Comenius Leadership Fellow grant

Laura Rupp has been awarded the Comenius Leadership Fellow grant for a three-year period. This grant of 500,000 Euros, will fund a project titled “Global English and International Dutch on the VU Campus”. Over the years, Rupp has successfully reached more than 100,000 people online worldwide, teaching how to understand diverse English accents and speak […]
